
Card Class Birthdays ~ Birthdays ~ Birthdays

SUNDAY OCTOBER 17th is the LAST DAY TO SIGN UP – I would love to see you! Everyone needs that Birthday card for that special someone in their life. Please join me for an afternoon of fun, crafting and socializing. You will create 4 projects to take home with you. All paper, embellishments and accessories will be provided for you. Bring your favourite tool kit products if you have them. (This will minimize personal contact and keep the crafting experience safe and clean: following the Reopening Ontario guidelines.
This is an in person event, however there will be a “Stay At Home” Kit available if you are more comfortable in your own space. Project instructions will be included. Live local, porch pick up can be arranged or if you live within Canada, shipping will be added to class fee. 
Class fee is $20.00 

Registration  No Later than Oct. 17th . 

JOIN THIS EVENT – click here –


JOIN MY TEAM – Winking Stellars –